by SoundScenes | Sep 20, 2016 | Announcements, HyperGrid, Kitely, OpenSim
SoundScenes has made our first set of scripted AtmoSpheres available on the Kitely Marketplace. These AtmoSpheres use longer sound files and are available in five separate permission variations for Kitely and HyperGrid residents. Since this is a rather large update,...
by SoundScenes | Sep 6, 2016 | Announcements, Kitely, Second Life
We have been making some significant changes to streamline the product catalog pages. Consolidating certain sound systems into more relevant categories, updated links, updated sound previews, available marketplaces, etc. Please pardon any unexpected hiccups in the...
by SoundScenes | May 15, 2016 | Announcements, HyperGrid, Kitely, OpenSim
Our first sets of Footstep Sound Scripts are now available on Kitely and HyperGrid enabled OpenSims! The scripts are packaged as sets of three different scripts. Each boxed set is available in five different permission variations. Single Item, Transfer – Add...