Frequently Asked Questions
1. General
1.1 How does your “Satisfaction Guaranteed” policy work?
1.2 Do the sound emitters all play audio the same way?
1.3 Will the sound effects cover my entire sim?
1.4 Do you have any recommended sound settings?
1.5 What are the permission levels for your products?
1.6 Can I move the sounds & script into my own object to lower my prim counts?
2. Client Services
2.1 What other services are available?
2.2 What is the Acoustic Alchemy Group?
2.3 Can I request a specific sound effect?
2.4 Can you convert my MP3s into SL?
3. Vending Machines
3.1 How do I use the vending machines?
3.2 How do I play the preview sound?
3.3 I can’t hear the sound sample. What gives?
3.4 How do I purchase the AtmoSphere I want?
3.5 Do you have any freebie items?
4. Troubleshooting
4.1 How do I place the AtmoSphere once I get back to my area?
4.2 Why am I hearing gaps?
4.3 Can I place my AtmoSphere under water?
4.4 How can I find my AtmoSphere? It’s almost invisible!
4.5 I accidentally moved the AtmoSphere underground and can’t get it!
4.6 How do I change the AtmoSphere volume?
1. General
1.1 How does your “Satisfaction Guaranteed” policy work?
We are committed to providing superior quality products to our clients and want you to be pleased with everything you buy at SoundScenes. If your purchase is not all you expected it to be, return it for a complete refund.
Due to the nature of object permissions, we can only provide refunds for non-copyable (transfer only) products.
Please Contact Us if you have any product issues and we will assist you directly.
1.2 Do the sound emitters all play audio the same way?
There are three different styles available.
- AtmoSpheres – Plays a long loop of background ambiance up to several minutes in length.
- Randomizers – Plays random sounds at random intervals.
- SpeakerNet – Plays long sequences from multiple locations simultaneously manually or on a timer.
Please see the specific product page for full details on features and instructions.
1.3 Will the sound effects cover my entire sim?
The background effects emanate from the emitter in all directions. The sound is localized so it becomes louder as your avatar approaches, and fades as you move further away. The range of the effects depends on several factors such as: the emitter volume setting, distance settings, your client audio preferences, and your computer audio settings. The more emitters you add, the more coverage is created.
Using multiple AtmoSpheres and Randomizers together creates an amazing living soundscape as the different audio tracks blend together.
Keep in mind that background ambiance is to create a “subtle audible feel” for your area. You do not want to beat your visitors over the head with the effects or the audio could become distracting.
1.4 Do you have any recommended sound settings?
The default settings in the Second Life viewer may not always be the best for your audio performance. I have experimented with the settings and compared results with several other residents.
Press CTRL+P to open the Preferences screen, and select the Audio/Video Tab.
- Make sure that “Mute Audio” is NOT checked. This would really ruin the whole experience. 🙂
- Sound Effects Slider – Change this to maximum.
- Wind Volume Slider – Set to medium or even lower as some residents tell me it can be distracting.
- UI Volume Slider – The consensus appears to be to keep this setting just a little below the half way point.
- Distance Factor Slider – Change this to 1/3 on the bar.
- Rolloff Factor Slider – Change this to 1/4 on the bar.
As Linden Labs continues to make “updates” to their viewers and interface layout, there may be a few differences from the description above.
1.5 What are the permission levels for the emitters?
AtmoSpheres are made available as a single item (transfer only), however reseller editions (copy/transfer) are available on request.
1.6 Can I move the sounds & script into my own object to lower my prim counts?
Yes. Simply edit the AtmoSphere prim, move the contents to your inventory, and then move them into your object. It is best to move the sound clips first and then the player script.
Keep in mind that certain scripted functions (changing appearance for example) will no longer be available when this method is used.
2. Client Services
2.1 What other services are available?
SoundScenes offers full sim soundscaping services, temporary vendor staging, custom audio creation, and professional sound scripting.
2.2 What is the Acoustic Alchemy Group?
FYI – The Acoustic Alchemy is now SoundScenes. This is a legacy group for the original members and is kept for communication purposes and updates.
This is an in-world group for residents interested in sound effects, audible background atmospheres, and how they can be used to enhance the Second Life experience. It is free to join. Notices are sent out to members when new products and effects are released.
Members receive automatic discounts on selected products. You must have the Acoustic Alchemy Group activated when purchasing the item.
Open enrollment has been closed to help keep spammers off the group channel.
2.3 Can I request a specific background effect?
Of course! We always enjoy a challenge to bring new virtual world content that people really want. Please do not request radioactive badgers. Not gonna happen.
Please Contact Us to request new sounds and we will let you know if and when your request can be fulfilled.
2.4 Can you convert my music MP3s into Second Life or OpenSim?
We cannot convert, upload, or make available media that is protected under copyright.
3. Vending Machines
3.1 How do I use the vending machines?
Each in-world vending machine contains several different AtmoSpheres that you can browse through and listen to a short preview. The machines use a multi-panel display for easier browsing. The large center image is the product currently selected. The floating text above the machine details the full product name, length of the audio track, and price. Click on the arrow buttons to move forward or back through the vendor inventory.
3.2 How do I play the sound preview?
Click the “horn” button to hear the preview sound of the selected AtmoSphere.
Depending on the overall grid “weather”, it can take 3-7 seconds to download and play the sound. The sound preview will be a maximum 10 seconds in length. The AtmoSphere soundtrack length is longer and detailed in each product name title.
If you would like to hear a longer sound preview, please visit the product pages hosted on our main website. The sound previews are approximately thirty seconds in length and the purchase process is managed through the SL Marketplace.
3.3 I cannot hear the sound sample. What gives?
When the “horn” button is touched the asset servers are queried, the sound data is downloaded to your viewer, and then the sound is played.
On a typical “good weather” low lag performance day, the sound previews typically play with only a three to five second delay.
If the sound preview does not play within a normal amount of time on our in-world vendors, you may prefer to browse our products through our website that features longer sound previews.
3.4 How do I purchase the AtmoSpheres I want?
Click the arrow buttons on the vending machines to browse the contents. On the multi-panel display machines, Left-click any of the 4 panels to bring up the item on the center display. Right-click on the main item picture screen (not the buttons) and select “Pay”. The fast-pay option contains the amount for the item.
If you over-pay the vendor, the difference will be auto-refunded to you immediately.
3.5 Do you have any freebie items?
There are several free items available on the ground level. We also try to keep several seasonal or promotional items free for the community to share.
4. Troubleshooting
4.1 How do I place the AtmoSphere once I get back home?
Rez the AtmoSphere on your land or build. The sound clips will begin playing momentarily. It is best to place the AtmoSphere near high traffic areas. For example, behind a plant next to a walkway. Somewhere close to where people will be near and can hear it. If you have multiple AtmoSpheres, spread them out around your area.
4.2 Why am I hearing gaps?
When any AtmoSphere begins to play, it is normal to hear an audible pause during the first minute or two. The AtmoSphere is sending audio data to your viewer client and as the soundtrack caches on your side, the audio will begin to play seamlessly. This only happens the first time your avatar comes within range of a new AtmoSphere or if you reset your viewer cache.
4.3 Can I place my AtmoSphere under water?
Yes you can, however be aware that sound effects may have a reduced audible range when the sound source and the listening avatar are both underwater.
This is the world water line, not prim water. If an avatar is on dry land and the sound source is underwater, the sounds will be heard normally.
4.4 How can I find my AtmoSphere again? It’s almost invisible!
Using “beacons” is the quickest way to find a lost Orb. On your top toolbar; click View, then Beacons.
Ensure that only the following entries have Xs next to them:
X Sound Sources
X Render Highlights
X Render Beacons
Then press CTRL+N to activate the Beacons. All sound sources within your view will displayed with yellow highlights.
Press CTRL+N again to turn off the beacon markers.
4.5 I accidentally moved the AtmoSphere underground (or into a wall) and I cannot reach it!
This is an easy problem to fix. Follow the steps in section 4.4 to turn on sound beacons so the AtmoSphere is displayed in your viewer.
On the top toolbar, is the “Client” pull-down menu visible?
– If it is not visible, press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+D.
WARNING! Do not experiment with these other functions unless you know what you’re doing! Please refer to the Second Life Wiki for more information.
On the top toolbar, click Client, then “Disable Camera Constraints”.
You can now pan and zoom your camera view underground, inside walls, and even great distances depending on your draw distance settings. Many builders “unhook” the camera this way to work on large projects. It is very handy for recovering lost objects.
You should now be able to move the camera angle under the ground to see the lost AtmoSphere. Right-click on the AtmoSphere prim and select Edit. You can now move the AtmoSphere to your desired location.
4.6 How do I change the AtmoSphere volume?
All GEN2 AtmoSpheres are controlled through the pop-up menu system. Touch the AtmoSphere prim to begin. Then click the Volume button and then select a new level.
The original AtmoSphere that were created had a “chat” volume control system. The default volume is set to the maximum 1.0. Touch the prim and then speak the new volume in chat using the following format:
/5 LVL
LVL = The volume and can be any value from .1 to 1.0.
If you wanted to set it to half, you would touch the prim and type the following in chat:
/5 0.5
Need more assistance or cannot find the information you need? Please let us know!