Watermill Wheel 0:30
by SoundScenes | Apr 2, 2016 | Rustic, SL Market
AtmoSphere Features Menu Controls – Easy to use pop-up menu system. Playback Style – Set sounds to play: Day Only, Night Only, or Both. 3D Sound – Set sounds to only be audible within specific areas or elevations. Range – Extend the maximum audible distance....Watermill 1:30
by SoundScenes | Apr 2, 2016 | Rustic, SL Market
AtmoSphere Features Menu Controls – Easy to use pop-up menu system. Playback Style – Set sounds to play: Day Only, Night Only, or Both. 3D Sound – Set sounds to only be audible within specific areas or elevations. Range – Extend the maximum audible distance....Village 7 2:20
by SoundScenes | Apr 2, 2016 | Rustic, SL Market
AtmoSphere Features Menu Controls – Easy to use pop-up menu system. Playback Style – Set sounds to play: Day Only, Night Only, or Both. 3D Sound – Set sounds to only be audible within specific areas or elevations. Range – Extend the maximum audible distance....Village 6 2:40
by SoundScenes | Apr 2, 2016 | Rustic, SL Market
AtmoSphere Features Menu Controls – Easy to use pop-up menu system. Playback Style – Set sounds to play: Day Only, Night Only, or Both. 3D Sound – Set sounds to only be audible within specific areas or elevations. Range – Extend the maximum audible distance....Village 5 0:50
by SoundScenes | Apr 2, 2016 | Rustic, SL Market
AtmoSphere Features Menu Controls – Easy to use pop-up menu system. Playback Style – Set sounds to play: Day Only, Night Only, or Both. 3D Sound – Set sounds to only be audible within specific areas or elevations. Range – Extend the maximum audible distance....Rustic
- Main
- San Diego City
- Sound Map
- Destinations Showcase Submission
- On-Site Vendor Delivery
- News
- Other Products
- Product Catalog
- AtmoSpheres
- Aquatic
- Fountains
- Harbors
- At The Docks 1
- At The Docks 2
- Bow Wash
- Buoy Bell 1
- Buoy Bell 2
- Busy Marina Mix
- Cargo Ship
- Close & Distant Gulls 1
- Close & Distant Gulls 2
- Close and Distant Fog Horns
- Close & Distant Gulls 3
- Docks 1
- Docks 2, Boat
- Harbor Chimes
- Harbor Docks 1
- Harbor Docks 2, Sea Otter
- Harbor Docks 3
- Harbor Docks 4
- Harbor Docks 5
- Harbor Docks 6
- Industrial Docks
- Light Dock Water
- Marina Seagulls
- Pier 1
- Pier 2
- Pier at Sunset
- Pier Birds
- Port Atmo
- Ship Creaking
- Ship Creaking at Sea
- Water and Birds
- Water and Metal
- Water Lapping Nearby Rocks
- Water Laps Against Docks
- Streams
- Brook Fast Activity
- Brook Fast Moving 1
- Brook Surging 1
- Brook Surging 2
- Call of the Canyon Stream 1
- Call of the Canyon Stream 2
- Erratic Ripples and Birds
- Fast Mountain Stream
- Flowing Stream 1
- Flowing Stream 2
- Flowing Stream 3
- Gentle Flow
- Gurgling Brook 1
- Gurgling Brook 2
- Jungle River and Insects
- Mountain Brook 1
- Mountain Brook 2
- Mountain Brook and Birds
- Quiet Stream and Birds
- Small Stream and Bird Chirps
- Water and Birds Mix
- Wind and Water Movements
- Waterfalls
- Waves
- At The Beach 1
- At The Beach 2
- Close and Small
- Early Morning Surf
- Fast and Close
- Fast Sloshes
- Lake, Calm Waves
- Lake, Light Waves on Shore
- Quick Swelling Surf
- Rolling In 1
- Rolling In 2
- Small Waves
- Soft
- Surf and Birds
- Surf and Crowd
- Surging Waves 1
- Surging Waves 2
- Tide Pools
- Vandenberg Beach
- Waves and Birds
- Elements
- Nature
- Animals
- Birds
- African Goose
- Barn Owl
- Blackbird in Courtyard
- Blackbird in Park
- Brown Thrush
- Call of the Canyon Birds 1
- Call of the Canyon Birds 2
- Call of the Canyon Breeze and Birds
- Canadian Goose
- Chaffinch
- Countryside Birds
- Crow
- Distant Birds, Then One Close
- Ducks and Chicks
- Early Morning Birds
- Exotic Mix 2
- Flamingos and Water
- Flycatcher
- Garden Warbler
- Geese Turkeys Chicks
- Hummingbirds Buzzing
- Laughing Gull
- Loon
- Lorikeet Exhibit
- Many Pigeons 1
- Many Pigeons 2
- Mistle Thrush
- Mocking Bird
- Morning Birds
- Nightingale 1
- Nightingale 2
- Oriole
- Oriole 2
- Palatki Birds
- Park Close and Distant Calls
- Peacocks and Park Birds
- Rainforest Mix
- Robin
- Rooks
- Sandpiper
- Screech Owl
- Soft Tropical Bird Calls
- Song Birds 1
- Song Birds 2
- Sparrows 2
- Sparrows and Blackbirds
- Swan
- Tiergarten Birds
- Thrush
- Tropical Birds in Pet Store
- Turkey
- Turkeys
- Various Light Calls
- Waterfowl and Migrant Birds
- Whippoorwill
- Wood Ducks
- Wood Thrush
- Woodpecker
- Forests
- Frogs
- Barking Treefrog Chorus 1
- Barking Treefrog Chorus 2
- Bull and Cricket Frogs
- Carolina Gray Tree Frog
- Chorus and Stream 1
- Chorus and Stream 2
- Dense and Steady Activity
- Dwarf Mexican Tree Frog
- Eastern Grey Tree Frog
- Florida Gray Tree Frogs
- Frogs and Crickets Chirping
- Frog Pond 1
- Frog Pond 2
- Gopher and Leopard Frog Chorus
- Green Frog
- Green Toad
- Green Tree Frog Chorus
- Leopard Frogs
- Many Singing
- Mexican Leaf Frog
- New Mexico Spadefoot
- Night Peepers
- Pacific Tree Frogs
- Pig Frog 1
- Pig Frog 2
- Southern Leopard Frogs
- Spotted Toad
- Spring Peepers
- Tree Frog Chorus
- Tropical Evening
- Water Frog Chorus
- Water Frog Single
- Insects
- Underworld
- Cave Bats
- Cavern Drips 1
- Cavern Drips 2
- Cavern Drips with Drone
- Dripping Echoes
- Dripping, Slight Hum
- Echoing Drips 1
- Echoing Drips 2
- Echoing Drips 3
- Empty Wind
- Floor Splashes
- Grotto 1
- Grotto 2
- Grotto 3
- Heavy Drips and Echo 1
- Heavy Drips and Echo 2
- Pool Drips with Heavy Echo 1
- Pool Drips with Heavy Echo 2
- Windy Cavern
- CityScapes
- Airports
- Airplane Interior
- Airplane Interior, Inflight
- Airplane Interior, Preflight
- Airport Restaurant
- Announcements 1
- Announcements 2
- Announcements 3
- Announcements, Australian
- Announcements, French
- Announcements, Italian
- Arrivals Area 1
- Arrivals Area 2
- Arrivals Area 3
- Arrivals Area Traffic
- Arrivals Crowd at Night
- Baggage Claim Area 1
- Baggage Claim Area 2
- Baggage Claim Turnstile
- Busy Crowd 1
- Busy Crowd 2
- Busy Crowd 3
- Crowd 1
- Crowd 2
- Crowd 3
- Crowd 4, Chinese
- Large Open Area
- Lounge Voices
- Passing Helicopter
- Passing Plane
- Runway Activity 1
- Runway Activity 2
- Security Notice
- Terminal 1
- Terminal 2
- Terminal 3
- Terminal, Large Echoing
- Ticket Counters
- Traffic Control Chatter 1
- Traffic Control Chatter 2
- Traffic Control Chatter 3
- Traffic Control Radio Calls
- Traffic Control Tower 1
- Traffic Control Tower 2
- Traffic Control Tower 3
- Crowds
- Alexanderplatz Station 1
- Alexanderplatz Station 2
- Alexanderplatz Station 3
- Aquarium, Exhibit Hall 1
- Aquarium, Exhibit Hall 2
- Aquarium, Exhibit Presenter
- Aquarium, Kids and Fountain
- Aquarium, Kids Groups
- Arcade, DnB Game Room 1
- Arcade, DnB Game Room 2
- Arcade, Pinball Hall of Fame, Addams Family
- Arcade, Pinball Hall of Fame, Black Knight 2000
- Arcade, Pinball Hall of Fame, Simpsons
- Bar, Fairmont Hotel
- Cafe am Neuen See 1, Interior
- Cafe am Neuen See 2, Exterior
- Cafe, Potsdam Daily Coffee
- Coffee Shop 1
- Coffee Shop 2
- Courtyard, Faint German Voices
- Courtyard, Footsteps and Voices
- Graduation Party
- Hockey Crowd, Indoors
- Library 1
- Library Hall
- Lobby, Dave n Busters
- Lobby, Las Vegas Theater
- Lobby, Small Area
- Lobby, Steigenberger Hotel
- Lobby, Subtle Radio
- Lounge, Fairmont Hotel
- Lounge, Steigenberger Hotel
- Market, Bashas
- Market, Berlin
- Market, Dominicus Strasse
- Market, Music and Chimes
- Market, Turkish
- Museum, Altes 1
- Museum, Altes 2
- Museum, Echoing Exhibit Hall
- Museum, Echoing Voices 1
- Museum, Echoing Voices 2
- Museum, Exhibit 1
- Museum, Kids Discovery 1
- Museum, Large Echoing Area
- Museum, Pergamon 1
- Museum, Pergamon 2, Train Passes
- Office, Ancient Newsroom
- Restaurant Crowd 1
- Restaurant, Berliner Straube 1
- Restaurant, Berliner Straube 2
- Restaurant, Casa Castillo
- Restaurant, Dorn’s Morro Bay 1
- Restaurant, Dorn’s Morro Bay 2
- Restaurant, Dorn’s Morro Bay 3
- Restaurant, Flame’s Diner
- Restaurant, Garcia’s Mexican Cuisine
- Restaurant, HB 1
- Restaurant, HB 2
- Restaurant, IHOP
- Restaurant, In-N-Out
- Restaurant, McDowell’s 1
- Restaurant, McDowell’s 2
- Restaurant, Nordsee Fisch
- Restaurant, Pismo Beach
- Restaurant, Red Robin
- Restaurant, San Clemente Pier
- Visitor’s Center
- Industrial
- Traffic
- Alexanderplatz Station, Trams Passing
- Budapester Strasse
- Country Roadside
- Downtown Traffic and People
- Hannoversche Strasse, YouIn3D Office
- Heavy Street Activity
- Intersection, Active
- Intersection, Several Vehicles
- Intersection, Vehicles
- Karl-Liebknecht Strasse 1
- Karl-Liebknecht Strasse 2
- Main Street Traffic 1a
- Main Street Traffic 1b
- Mission Traffic
- Reichstag Traffic and Pedestrians
- Route 66 Traffic with Music
- S Bahn Train Arriving and Departing
- Tauentzeienstrasse Traffic
- Town Square Traffic 1
- Town Square Traffic 2
- Town Square Traffic 3
- Traffic Jam
- Urban
- Accordion Player
- Altes Museum, Exterior
- Auto Repair Garage
- Brietscheidplatz 1
- Brietscheidplatz 2
- Central Station, Berlin
- City Birds, Dog Barking
- City Birds, Light Rain, Vehicles
- City Birds, Rumble, Distant Train
- City Birds, Rumble, Rain
- City Park, Kids Playing 1
- City Park, Kids Playing 2
- Courtyard, Berlin Morning
- Courtyard Pool
- Courtyard Pool, Birds
- Courtyard Pool, No Machinery
- Delivery Truck Idling
- Downtown Restaurant Patio, Raining
- Drunk Man Singing
- Europa Center, Interior
- Fernsehturm Plaza East
- Fernsehturm Plaza West
- Gas Pumps
- Graffiti Artist
- Mission Courtyard, Birds
- Mission Gardens
- Organ Grinder 1
- Organ Grinder 2
- Pub of Refuge 1
- Pub of Refuge 2
- Residential, Sedona
- Residential, Solvang
- Residential, Williams Morning 1
- Residential, Williams Morning 2
- Singer and Fountains
- The Wall at Muhlenstrasse
- Tiergarten Park 1
- Tiergarten Park 2
- Tiergarten Park 3
- Tiergarten Park Canal Bridge
- Tiergarten Park Pond
- Schloss Cecilienhof Birds and Voices
- Volleyball Players
- Airports
- Special Themes
- Asia
- Ebisu Matsuri 1:00
- Gion Matsuri 1:10
- Hong Kong Marketplace 1:50
- Instruments 1 0:40
- Instruments 2 0:40
- Instruments 3 0:30
- Instruments 4 0:50
- Instruments 5 0:50
- Instruments 6 0:40
- Judo Training 0:20
- Kendo 1:10
- Mahjong Crowd 1:00
- Matsuri 1:00
- Modern Marketplace 1:40
- Passing Noodle Vendor 1:10
- Peace Pagoda Drums 1:00
- Poetry Reading 2:00
- Shrine Chant 0:50
- Shrine Flute and Drum 0:50
- Singing Geisha 2:10
- Small Crowd 1:00
- Sutra Chant 0:50
- Temple Bell and Drum 2:00
- Chimes
- Dark
- Breathing 0:30
- Breathing, Slowed 0:50
- Breathing, Slowed with Echoes 0:50
- Breaths 1 0:40
- Breaths 2 1:10
- Breaths 3 0:40
- Breaths 4 1:30
- Bubbling Drone 0:20
- Cave Bats 0:30
- Creaking House and Wind 1:10
- Crematorium Open for Business 0:50
- Dante’s Inferno 2:10
- Deep Chants 2:00
- Desolate Wind 2 2:00
- Distant Dog Howls 0:30
- Distorted Voices 1 0:50
- Distorted Voices 2 1:10
- Distorted Voices 3 0:50
- Distressed Damsel 1:30
- Eerie Metallic Moans 1:40
- Fluid Slow Drone 0:50
- Funeral March 1:20
- Ghostly Visitors 2:20
- Groans and Moans 1:00
- Heart Beats 1 0:20
- Heavy Breathing 1 0:50
- Heavy Breathing 2 1:00
- Heavy Breathing 3 0:30
- Heavy Breathing 4 0:20
- Howling Wind, Leaves, Owl 1:20
- Menacing Underworld
- Moaning Wind 0:30
- Night Owl 1:20
- Night of the Wildthings 1:50
- Rats in the Walls 0:40
- Rattling Chains 0:30
- Rocking Chair 0:20
- Shoggoths in the Sewers 1:30
- Temple Bells and Slowed Whispers 1 0:30
- Temple Bells and Slowed Whispers 2 0:30
- The Shunned House 0:40
- Ticking Clock 0:30
- Tortured Screams, Female 1:10
- Tortured Screams, Male Voice 0:50
- Twisted Machinery 0:40
- Unsafe Waters 1:00
- Whispering Entities
- Wood Creaking, Heavy Echo 1:30
- Holidays
- Antique Music Box Melody 1 0:40
- Antique Music Box Melody 2 0:50
- Brass Band on Street Corner 0:50
- Christmas Bell Melody 0:50
- Crowded Party 1:00
- Dulcimer, Yuletide Tune 2:00
- Harpsichord, Deck the Halls 1:00
- Ice Skating 0:40
- Kids Tobogganing 1:10
- Music Box, First Noel 1 1:00
- Music Box, Jingle Bells 1:00
- Music Box, Silent Night 0:50
- Music Box, We Wish You a Merry Christmas 1:00
- Parade Band 1:20
- Shopping Mall 1 1:10
- Shopping Mall 2 2:50
- Shopping Mall 3 1:00
- Sledding Crowd 1 1:10
- Sledding Crowd 2 0:50
- Sledding Crowd 3 0:40
- Sleigh Bells Jingling 0:30
- Snowy Background 1:40
- Town Square Band 3:00
- Toy Store Chaos 1:30
- Toy Store Gizmos 1:00
- Traffic Pedestrians and Music 2:00
- Military
- Religious
- Bells and Whispers Mix 0:30
- Berliner Dom, Crypt 2:00
- Berliner Dom, Interior 1 0:50
- Berliner Dom, Interior 2 1:50
- Berliner Dom, Observation Deck 1:20
- Berliner Dom, Organ 1:30
- Church Interior with People 1:30
- European Ceremony 1 1:40
- European Ceremony 2 2:20
- German Church Crowd 1 1:20
- German Church Crowd 2 2:20
- German Church Voices 1 1:40
- German Church Voices 2 3:50
- Indian Monks 0:50
- Kaiser-Wilhelm Kirch 1 0:50
- Kaiser-Wilhelm Kirch 2 0:40
- Large Open Cathedral 1 2:10
- Marienkirche, Entrance 0:50
- Marienkirche, Exterior, Traffic and Pedestrians 2:00
- Marienkirche, Interior 2:00
- Service and Chant 2:00
- Rustic
- Blacksmith 2:30
- City People and Horses 1:40
- Dog Barking 1:10
- Large Courtyard 1:40
- Long Corridor 2:30
- Old City 1 2:10
- Old City 2 2:20
- Road with Horses and People 2:30
- Small Village and Dogs 1:50
- Village 1 2:30
- Village 2 2:20
- Village 3 1:50
- Village 4 1:30
- Village 5 0:50
- Village 6 2:40
- Village 7 2:20
- Watermill 1:30
- Watermill Wheel 0:30
- Windmill Creaking 0:30
- Science Fiction
- Steampunk
- Air Pump 2 0:20
- Arc Welder 0:30
- Crane Operations 1 3:30
- Crane Operations 2 1:20
- Gurgling Machinery 0:20
- Hissing Steam 0:30
- Large Engine and Machinery 5:20
- Machinery and Saws 2:00
- Machinery Running 1 1:00
- Machinery Running 2 1:20
- Machinery Running 3 1:30
- Multiple Engine Horns 0:40
- San Jose – Chime Box 1:00
- Tesla’s Sanctumaria 1:00
- Track Movement 1:10
- Train Station, Medium Sized 1:40
- Trains Moving 1:50
- Ventilation and Movement 0:30
- Venting Steam 1 0:40
- Water Pump 1:00
- Asia
- Aquatic
- Randomizers
- Nature
- Blackbird (33 Sounds)
- Costa Rica – Birds Set #1 (40 Sounds)
- Costa Rica – Birds Set #2 (40 Sounds)
- Costa Rica – Birds Set #3 (40 Sounds)
- Costa Rica – Birds Set #4 (40 Sounds)
- Costa Rica – Birds Set #5 (40 Sounds)
- Costa Rica – Birds Set #6 (40 Sounds)
- Costa Rica – Birds Set #8 (40 Sounds)
- Coyotes and Wolves (61 Sounds)
- Frogs Set 1 (40 Sounds)
- Frogs Set 2 (40 Sounds)
- Hermit Thrush (12 Sounds)
- Nightingale (38 Sounds)
- Robin (35 Sounds)
- Asia
- Dark
- Darkness Set 01 (27 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 02 (27 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 03 (27 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 04 (25 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 05 (25 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 06 (27 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 07 (21 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 08 (29 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 09 (39 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 10 (25 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 11 (28 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 12 (32 Sounds)
- Darkness Set 13 (27 Sounds)
- Spooky Set 01 – Screams and Moans (70 Sounds)
- Spooky Set 02 – Beasts (67 Sounds)
- Spooky Set 03 – Doors (45 Sounds)
- Spooky Set 04 – Laughs (37 Sounds)
- Spooky Set 05 – Owls and Thunder (30 Sounds)
- Science Fiction
- Bubble Wave Drone Set (20 Sounds)
- Crystal Caverns Set 1 (50 Sounds)
- Crystal Caverns Set 2 (53 Sounds)
- Crystal Shimmers Set (68 Sounds)
- Gear Drones Set (67 Sounds)
- Mechanics Set 1 (30 Sounds)
- Mechanics Set 2 (30 Sounds)
- Mechanics Set 3 (30 Sounds)
- Offworlds Set 1 (55 Sounds)
- Offworlds Set 2 (75 Sounds)
- Servos and Shimmers Set (33 Sounds)
- Servos Set (30 Sounds)
- Sweeps Set (30 Sounds)
- Steampunk
- Other
- Build Your Own
- Nature
- Footstep Scripts
- AtmoSpheres
- About
- AtmoSpheres
- Randomizers
- HyperGrid
- SpeakerNET
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